Flawless Skin
Flawless skin does not happen by accident. In fact, it takes a little TLC.
Your most beautiful look depends on a healthy glowing complexion. But flawless skin need not be complicated: at LipoSlim 3in1, we believe that by focusing on professional skincare treatments and to elevate your skincare regime, restoration and outward radiance will naturally follow.
Data speaks louder than words. Our Skin Analyser is the world’s most advanced skin detection device that delivers instant, effective and accurate skin analyses of 10 dermis and epidermis skin concerns. We use this date to provide treatment and product recommendations, thereby eliminating guesswork and unnecessary trial and error.
At LipoSlim 3in1 we have a variety of luxurious skin treatments to enhance your natural beauty. Our advanced skin care treatments are MicroLaser treatment, MicroNeedling, Chemical Peels, MicroLight and Aesthetic Treatments to treat skin concerns like acne, pigmentation, aging, scaring etc or just for maintaining healthy glowing skin.
Optiphi and MicroSkin